What is the role of nutrition in sports performance?

Following a good diet can help provide the energy you need to finish a race or simply enjoy a casual sport or activity. Read about how nutrition plays an important role in sports performance.

What is the role of nutrition in sports performance?

Following a good diet can help provide the energy you need to finish a race or simply enjoy a casual sport or activity. Read about how nutrition plays an important role in sports performance.

Sports nutrition

is the study and practice of hydrating and nourishing the body with the aim of improving sports performance. While there are general dietary guidelines that can (and should) be implemented to optimize athletic performance, it is important to understand that there is no one size fits all and, ultimately, nutrition and diet variables must be adjusted and adapted to the specific needs and preferences of each athlete.

According to the ISSN and other sports nutrition experts, when a person loses 2% or more of their body weight through sweating, it can significantly affect their performance. There are several sports science and medicine support systems in different countries to help elite athletes1, and nutrition is a key component of these services. Beyond the era of simple calorie counting and macros, functional sports nutrition addresses deficiencies, dysfunctions and imbalances mainly through personalized dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Carbohydrates receive a great deal of attention in sports nutrition because of the vital role they play in athletic performance.

Professional athletes and coaches are more aware than ever of the importance of nutrition in sports. Over the years, sports nutrition has changed and transformed in parallel with the growing awareness of the role exercise plays in health and awareness in general.

Jack Razavi
Jack Razavi

Unapologetic web practitioner. Proud zombie aficionado. Hardcore beer advocate. Professional internet junkie. Friendly tv guru.

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